

我们致力于保护我们网站访问者的隐私和安全. 本网站隐私政策(“隐私政策”)将告诉您我们收集哪些信息, 它是如何使用的,当你与我们的网站互动时,你有什么选择. 使用本网站即表示您同意本政策. 在使用本网站之前,请仔细阅读以下内容.

根据健康保险可移植性定义的“受保护的健康信息” & 责任法案及相关法规(统称为“HIPAA”), including information you provide to us while being treated as a patient or within the patient portal, 是独立的,并受我们的私隐惯例通知的约束.


通过使用我们的网站, 你同意收集, 使用和共享本隐私政策中所述的信息. 通过向我们提供电子邮件地址, you agree that we may use your 电子邮件地址 to communicate with you about our services and select messages from our partners or affiliates.

(注:选择退出选项将在“Cookies”一节中讨论, 追踪和互联网广告”.)


您可以使用我们的网站而不提供任何个人信息. 当您以请求回复我们的任何通信时, 我们可能需要收集更多的信息. 例如, 您可能会被要求提供个人信息, 比如名字, 电子邮件地址, 和人口统计信息,如果你选择完成在线表格或提供反馈.

如果您提交的个人信息与他人有关, you represent that you have the authority to do so and permit us to use the information in accordance with this 隐私政策. 通过提交个人信息, 你同意我们传播的权利, 监控, 检索, 存储和使用与网站运营相关的您的信息.

患者可以选择创建一个患者门户帐户. 这是一个供患者管理其健康的安全门户. 功能包括审查测试结果, 总经理任命, 给你的医生发短信, 更新你的处方,支付你的账单. Before creating an account, please review any Terms and Conditions available on the patient portal.


We are committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information you provide to us via this website so that we can make sure it remains as secure as possible. 因此,我们会尽合理努力防止未经授权的访问. We use a secure firewall and a security infrastructure that protects the integrity and privacy of personal information submitted to us via this website.
虽然我们努力保护您的个人信息, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us through online applications, 这样做的风险自负. 根据查询的性质,您的通信可能被丢弃或存档. If you wish, you can contact us instead by telephone at the numbers provided throughout our Websites.


This website works with companies that offer third-party products or services (“Service Providers”). 其中包括Facebook, 谷歌, 以及其他帮助我们跟踪和分析网站访问者活动的服务提供商, 衡量我们广告工作的效果, 并支持我们的数字营销活动的优化. 
该网站使用“cookie”,跟踪像素和相关技术. 这些可以由我们或我们的服务提供商设置. 
cookie是在线服务可以存储的小数据文件, 然后从, 通过用户的网络浏览器访问用户的计算机或移动设备. The information is stored and retrievable either for the duration of a website visit (known as “session cookies”), or until some later point in time set by the website setting the cookie (known as “persistent cookies”). 
Examples of information we and our Service Providers collect include how often someone visits this website and what they do while on the website. We and our Service Providers use this information in the aggregate to understand how our visitors as a group use different resources and to help us improve our website. We and our Service Providers also collect information about the activity of individual website users. This information may be used to direct related 广告s and/or informational content to website users when they visit other websites.

大多数互联网浏览器默认接受cookie, but you can modify your browser preferences to block or restrict cookies if you do not want your web browsing activity tracked. There are a variety of tools publicly available to manage cookies and similar technologies that collect information related to your use of the website. 从(1)中了解更多信息 联邦贸易委员会 或(ii) 数字广告联盟选择退出页面,它允许用户选择不接收基于兴趣的广告. 

We are not responsible for the effectiveness or compliance of third party opt-out mechanisms or programs. 请注意,如果您在选择退出后删除您的cookie或升级您的浏览器, 你需要再次选择退出. Further, if you use multiple browsers or devices you will need to opt out on each browser or device. You can access the information on this website without enabling cookies in your browser but disabling cookies may result in a diminished ability to take advantage of the services and related informational content on the website. 

我们计算跳出率等参数, 页面浏览量, 会话等,以了解如何使用我们的网站/应用程序. We may also create visitors’ profiles based on browsing history to analyze visitor behavior, 展示个性化内容并开展在线活动. 
Our Service Providers may acquire additional information about your activity on our website, 包括你访问的网页, 访问时间, 访问持续时间, 您是如何到达我们的网站和您的IP地址的. IP地址是标识连接到Internet的设备的数字. 对于大多数设备来说,IP地址至少每周更换一次. Our Service Providers may also acquire device identifiers and specific information about the browser you use. 在某些情况下,这些信息可能是您所独有的.


我们使用您提供的信息来完成在线请求, 处理信用卡信息并回应客户服务咨询, 或者法律规定的其他方式. 

  • 帮助我们改进我们提供的服务
  • Personalize your experience and inform you about the treatments/services in which you have indicated an interest
  • Tailor digital 广告s on third-party websites based on your interactions on our website
  • 改进我们的网站产品,并向您发送信息和更新
  • 回答您的问题和要求,改善客户服务
  • 管理推广,调查或其他网站功能
  • 就我们隐私政策的变更进行沟通

在某些情况下, third parties contracted by us may have access to your information to perform a specific task, 例如, 给你发电子通讯.


我们与第三方共享信息, 包括法律要求或为了提供所要求的服务. 我们聘请信誉良好的第三方供应商来帮助我们管理本网站, 提供内容和信息, 更好地与我们的病人和来访者互动.


If the ownership of our business changes or we need to transfer assets relating to this website to a third party, 我们可能会将您的个人信息转让给新的所有者. Your information would remain subject to the promises made in the applicable Website 隐私政策 unless you specify otherwise.


Occasionally we may request feedback on this website to better understand how we can improve what information we present and how we present it. 这些调查不会问可以识别你个人身份的问题. We may ask for contact information to follow-up, but you can decline to provide that information. Information that you provide in a survey may be shared with employees or third parties to aggregate the data.


Please do not provide personal information via email to us unless it is through a secure channel (these will be marked, 作为安全的网上表格, 例如). 记住,电子邮件信息, 除非在传输过程中加密, 可以被其他互联网用户看到吗. 如果你有个人信息需要交流, please use the appropriate secure online form or contact the necessary party using traditional means such as phone or mail.

If you receive an email that looks like it is from us and asks for your personal information, 不要回应. 这可能是一个骗局或“网络钓鱼”电子邮件,旨在窃取您的信息. 我们永远不会要求您的密码, 用户名, 信用卡信息或其他个人信息通过电子邮件.


本在线隐私政策仅适用于本网站. 本网站包含到其他网站的链接. 请注意,本隐私政策不适用于这些网站. We encourage you to read the 隐私政策 on any other websites before providing them with personal information. 
Certain interactive patient applications may be linked to this website as a convenience for you. 如果您选择使用特定的患者应用程序, 请务必阅读与该应用程序相关的隐私政策.


We have the right to change or update this Website 隐私政策 from time to time without notice, 因此,请定期审查,以随时了解任何变化. 如果您对本隐私政策有疑问或对我们收集信息的方式有疑虑, 使用或保护您的个人信息, 请按以下方式kok买球官网.


如果您对本隐私政策有疑问或对我们收集信息的方式有疑虑, 使用或保护您的个人信息, 请通过我们网站上提供的电话号码与我们联系.


我们使用cookie使我们的网站正常工作, 包括与预期的站点性能相关的测量元素. By using our site you agree that information about you and your visit may be collected and/or sent to third parties for these purposes. 我们不会出售或分享您的信息, 我们也不使用分析, 广告, 或其他不必要的cookie. 欲了解更多有关我们的在线隐私保护措施,请访问我们的在线 隐私政策.

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